Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What now

During the interview for my current job, my boss Roy asked me if I wore glasses myself. I replied that I did, but that I wasn't wearing them currently.
"So you're wearing contacts right now?"
"Uh, no. I have them here, they're just not exactly very fashionable"
"Oh, well, let's see them!"
"I'm warning you, they're ugly"
"I've seen them all. They can't be that bad"
So I took them out and showed him.
"Oh wow. Yeah, you can't wear these when you're working here"
He found them so ugly that when he introduced me to the store's optician, he made me pull them out again to show her as well, just so she could tell me how ugly they were.
And in case you need a refresher, they look like this:

Today, the Ray Ban sales rep came in to see what frames we wanted to buy. She brought out several trays of frames to show us what was available. Guess which frames we ordered?

Yeah, what now, bitches?


audreyssyp said...


Owen said...

Those cuntbaskets

J said...

i hate your boss. can i come in and punch them in the face?

Grizzly Fair said...

I guess this is a case of 'hip to be square'.