Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rap Chop

And you thought the regular infomercial was already awesome!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I showed up to work 2 hours late today. It had been decided last week that I would work full time starting today, but because neither of my bosses had told me which hours, I assumed they had forgotten or that my new hours wouldn't start until further notice.
Or so I thought, until I got a call at 10:30 this morning. I had to make myself sound like I was still in bed.
Work hasn't been going so well. On the days where I act as an actual optician, I'm always getting my proverbial balls busted. I haven't sold anything yet, and what little I've done as an optician is almost always wrong. I get the feeling the supervising optician/my boss is running out of patience with me. I've never had to worry before about getting fired for incompetence, but it's starting to seem more and more like a possibility. Showing up for work late today didn't make it any better.

The only thing that made it better was finding out this existed:

It's a twin lens reflex camera that uses 35mm film instead of medium format film. I guess it's kind of a novelty, since it basically functions the same as a normal 35mm SLR, but I've always wanted a twin lens reflex camera.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

These Days Are Old

Today, on the way to work, I came out of the alleyway to see my bus pull up to the stop. It was good timing because I managed to cross the street in time, all the while having a smoke. I didn't finish it, but I threw it out anyway, right in front of the bus. When I got on, the bus driver was saying something to me. I had my iPod on. I thought he was yelling at me for littering or throwing out my butt near the bus. I took off my earphones.
"Sorry, what?"
"Why are you smoking? You're so young! You're killing your lungs! You're killing yourself!"
I didn't really know what to say. So I just said "Uhh...I'll quit soon?". He seemed to be satisfied with that answer. He gave me an "Alright" in a tone that said "Fair enough" and I sat down. I don't know, I've never been confronted by a stranger over my smoking.

School is over as of tomorrow. I never thought I'd say it, but I'll miss it. I liked having a routine. One that afforded me a lot of freedom and still made it look like I was being productive. It helped that I was actually doing well in school too. I've managed to make a name for myself in the program as the resident nerdlinger. Go me.

On a final note, does anyone else remember Spooky Ruben? That guy was awesome.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Taco Hell

For the past 3 weeks, every Tuesday, between the time I get out of class and go to work, I go to Matt's to eat lunch/kill time/work on his music stuff. And every time, I get Taco Bell on the way to his place. I never had a problem eating it when I was younger, but only now do I realize just how fucking gross the stuff is. Not even in a "It's really unhealthy for you" kind of way, because I have no problem eating unhealthy things. It's just gross gross. I can never finish whatever I buy, because by the time I get halfway through the fries, I think "I can't believe I ate that much of this shit" and throw it away. I only bought it because I thought it would be cheaper, but the majority of their combos are about the same price as McDonalds.
I'd change my eating habits for next Tuesday, but I'm done school by then.

Work has been tiring. I more or less have to pretend to be a whole other person on the days I'm selling glasses. A person who stands and walks with a straight back. A person who knows what he's talking about. A person who is friendly and can make light banter comfortably. A person who dresses like an asshole and enjoys looking like one. A confident person. A person who could probably get laid more than me.
I guess I haven't been doing a good job pretending to be this other person, because I haven't sold anything yet.
Sadly, I'm more comfortable on the days I'm doing bookkeeping for the company; the exact occupation I was trying to escape when I took up opticianry. On the bright side, my coworker is incredibly cute. I am smitten.
Sorry to the friends I haven't seen too much of lately, but it's eaten up most of my time.

In other news, I've been motivated to start taking photos again. Let's see how well that pans out.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

You know you're Asian when...

A classmate calls you up for help with physics homework, and you can answer her questions easily.

Despite being drunk.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What did you just call me?

I was gonna write about work, but this is way more entertaining.

This is Sergio's gift to me:

The best part? He bought it at T&T.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Things we/I love about May:
-her stuffed characters
-she mixes her drinks strong and will call you a pussy if you drink slower than her
-loves to dance
-is almost always in a happy mood
-loves pie so much, she started to cuss me out when she thought I didn't like pie
-great at photography, if you can convince her to show you her photos
-always down to help me out when I try to do anything creative
-Little Red Girl
-the stuff she draws in her sketchbook are amazing
-when asked to help me look more like a douchebag, she gladly obliged. And did a great job at it
-shared her last Value Village discount with friends rather than just herself

Happy Birthday, May.


Friday, April 10, 2009

You have fucked up now.

It doesn't get funny until 0:55.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Lakers beat the Supersonics

What used to pass as a "good day": something good happened.

What passes as a "good day" now: nothing bad happened.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What's new. What's REALLY new.

Since March 9, 2009:
-I witnessed Lenny DJ. I also witnessed Lenny tell people to fuck off. Both were epic.
-I rolled joints in the bathroom of a spa, straddling a toilet backwards. The joints weren't even for me. Weirdest situation ever.
-I managed to offend even though I was trying to sound considerate.
-I DJ'd with Matt as Pink Dead Whale. I did not tell anyone to fuck off. I did, however, get to see what goths really dance like.
-I bought clothes I never imagined myself wearing. Selling out never looked so lame.
-I was looking for a job and then I found a job.
-I now enjoy drinking vitamin water more than I do Monster.
-I now smoke more than ever.
-discovered a Morrissey song I never noticed before, but now love.
-moshed/slam danced.
-what Matt said about June 6th.
-karaoke with the boys. Prime choices included 'Boys Don't Cry' (twice) by the Cure, 'Touch Me' by the Doors, 'Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know' by Britney Spears, 'I Started A Joke' by the Bee Gees and the Ruff Ryders Anthem, which wasn't even on the list of song choices.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Call that shit

Calling grounds from 2009 onward: my front porch.