Friday, October 31, 2008


Because I have nothing else better to post on Halloween.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Too punk to fuck

I should be studying, but two coffees were a bad idea and now I can't concentrate, let alone sit still.

A while ago, Lenny, Matt, JP and I decided to form a punk band. Much like with the grindcore band idea, we decided that the first order of business is the band name, because everything else will fall into the place. How hard can it be to write punk music?
So to kick start it, here is my list of band names for submission, guys:
-Dr. Badvibes
-Too Punk To Fuck
-That's What She Said
-The Douchebags
-Douchey McDoucherson and the Douchebags
-Lenny Chan, Matthew Pyke, Jean Paul Geofroy and Darren Wong
-Check Out My Blog
-No One Cares About Your Blog
-Pitchfork Loves Us
-Hipster Scum
-Vice Loves Us
-The Sex Pistols
-3 Bethune Graduates and That Other Guy
-Matthew Pyke and Those Three Other Guys
-2 Asians and 2 Caucasians
-Asian Avenue For Life
-Facebook Is Better Than Myspace

Yeah, I'm not serious about any of these. Except Dr. Badvibes*.

*I always thought Dr. Badvibes from COPS (remember COPS?) was a chick. Look at him/her. How the hell is that supposed to be a guy?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cute boys

I never thought my photo of Matt on the shitter would end up on Cute Boys!!! but what do I know.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I forget

I posted pictures from this month on Facebook. Stephanie commented about a face she made in one of them. And if you look at my comment right below hers, it reads:

if you think this is bad, i also have a picture of you with a freakishly cheshire cat-ish smile

The implication being that I have it, but decided not to post it. But I did. In fact, it's only one picture before it.
I'm really losing it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lab Sessions 4.0

Pictures by May, Michelle and occasionally JP.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I forget

On Thursday, my mother was out for the morning. She called me at home to inform me that she was on her way back and that she would pick up some pizza for lunch. I responded with "Okay".

10 minutes later, she walked in through the door with the box of pizza.
My mom gave me a look that said "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're just retarded".

Friday, October 24, 2008


Reasons why we/I love Brittany:
-first girl I knew that loved Gwar, The Cramps and The Misfits
-she loves animals
-she's Irish, so she can probably drink all of us under the table
-always up for a fun time
-one of the few people that still pushes me to keep the Blood Project going
-she's vegetarian, but doesn't give me crap when I order a steak
-the way she walks in her heels (according to Jocelyn. I don't notice because I'm a guy)
-still down with SB...I think
-when we use "Britt's tits" as a synonym for "awesome", she laughs instead of punching us in the face
-Britt's tits

Happy Birthday, Britt!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Things I/we love about Jocelyn:
-she's fun to play Rock Band/Guitar Hero with
-she's the only one that genuinely laughs at my stupid puns
-her strange fascination with poo, which has made me loosen up about making simple statements such as "I gotta take a shit" because I'm usually too embarrassed to say stuff like that
-she's gotten me into some good music
-we both check out the same girls sometimes
-she's a spiffy dresser
-she's easy to talk to, as evidenced by the amount of friends she's made
-she's like one of the guys, much like how I'm one of the girls
-able to give non-biased advice
-she remembers stuff for me when I can't
-if you have the pleasure of working with her, she's a fun co-worker to slack off with

Happy Birthday, Jocelyn!

Monday, October 13, 2008

By the way

I don't know why it didn't occur to me until I went to the washroom, but those cupcakes we ate yesterday? They're gonna turn your crap blue-ish green. Surprise!


Yesterday was Dranksgiving/Jocelyn's birthday get-together. Thanks to Steph for organizing Dranksgiving and Michelle for making cupcakes with me. It was great seeing everyone that I don't see often.

Here's some pictures*

*Pictures that were mostly taken by other people because I'm lazy.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I forget

Last night, while playing pool, I forgot what I was shooting for: stripes or solids. No one told me until after I shot the wrong one.
Then I forgot who was on my team.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Michelle made me a survey which I promised I would post here. She told me not to give "I dunno gayfag" answers.

How do you want to dress when you are 76 years old?
Like a 76 year old.

When was the last time you choked on something?
I think around last year, there was a whole week where my body just forgot how to swallow liquids, so I'd always sputter and choke.

Do you have a favourite shirt that you hope to have forever and ever?
I like my "crybaby" shirt a lot, even though it's got rips and pit stains.

What do you like about Scarborough?
Most of my friends live here and I know where everything is. That's about it.

If a thesaurus was a dinosaur what would you imagine it'd look like?
A velociraptor but with a book for a head.

What would you do if you were a girl for a day?
After staring at myself for half the day? I'd see how far my looks get me. Maybe start a riot grrrl band.

What would your cheesy personals ad say?
scrawny asian guy. desperate. smokes. currently unemployed and zero prospects.

What do you like to collect?
Christian tracts. It's kind of awful how a lot of them try to scare you into believing.

What qualities would your dream animal have?
See: Shmoo

Which dead person you think would be cool to hang out with?
Frank Sinatra.

What is the last joke you heard?
What’s black and white and red all over?
AndrĂ© Masson’s surrealist painting Panique (circa 1920).

You win a mirrion dorrar, would you get anything for your grandma(s) and what is it?
Yes and no. I wouldn't buy them anything; I'd just give them money for them to buy it themselves because I have no idea what grandmothers like. Or what mine like anyway.

Three things you are happy about currently?
1) I'm doing well in school.
2) I got free money today.
3) October and November seem like they're going to be fun months.

What is your favourite Madonna song?
Any one of her singles from "Bedtime Stories". That's the only time I remember her music being good. It may have had something to do with the onset of puberty as well.
'Frozen' wasn't bad either.

What have you done this year that you are proud of?
I figured out what I want to do.

Where do you want to visit really really really bad and why?
New York. I was bummed that I was broke this summer, otherwise I could have maybe tagged along with Lenny, Derek and Konwen.

What is a costume that you have worn that you thought was really cool and badass?
I think my Devo costume was the only one that was even close to decent. I did enjoy wearing my Joker plastic smock and face mask when I was 6. Everyone made fun of me for being the bad guy and not Batman. Fuckers.

Three things you have always wanted to try, and would if you had a ton of money and time?
1) Clay shooting. Or any kind of shooting.
2) Learn to play 'There Will Never Be Another You' on the trumpet.
3) Punching Leah Miller in the face.

What things make you gag or throw up?
I gag at whiskey/scotch/whatever now. I spewed it all over Mark's kitchen table this summer trying to down a shot.

Skillz you want to have?
Dancing skills, ass-kicking skills, music skillzzzzz.

When was the last time you ate shit, or almost ate shit?
A few weeks ago, I walked down my hardwood stairs wearing slippery socks. I wasn't even running, but somehow, I slipped out and fell on my back, hip and elbow. Then I slid down the remaining 5 or 6 stairs. My mom found me laughing and wincing at the same time.

How do you maintain your good looks and girlish figure so well?
Smokes and cokes.

If Darren does it better, who does it best?
Michelle Lai.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I came across this yesterday. It's just a clock. But the dancing mixed with the awesome music are fucking hypnotizing. I found myself staring at it for a good 15-30 minutes (you'd think I'd be able to get an exact number of minutes, considering I was staring at a clock), long after the clips of dancing and the music had repeated itself several times. I don't know why, but it puts me in a really good mood.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Damn it, Sergio

With the temperature dropping lower and lower each day, I've been scouring the entire house for my fall jacket, which is also my winter jacket. The temperature is tolerable enough now that I can still wear a light jacket and layer up underneath, but time is running out.

And then out of nowhere, I suddenly remembered that Sergio borrowed it back in what was probably April or something. Normally, this wouldn't/shouldn't be a big deal, until you take into the consideration that just about everything I've let him borrow, I've rarely gotten back.

Things I've let him borrow that still haven't been returned:
-You Forgot It In People by Broken Social Scene (I bought a replacement after two years)
-Out Loud by Boom Boom Satellites
-Echoes by The Rapture (bought a replacement)
-my dad's shirt (which I didn't even agree to let him borrow; he just wore it without asking and never gave it back)
-a pair of Wayfarers (he was supposed to "borrow" it for work, because he lost an identical pair that I gave him before)
-Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins (it wasn't even my copy)
-On The Road by Jack Kerouac (ditto)
-The Sufferings of Young Werther by Goethe

Seriously. I'm never letting him borrow shit from me ever again.
I'm gonna have to get on his case for the coat, if nothing else.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Her pussy is magic

Today, May told me I find the "stupidest things" on Youtube. I guess I should be embarrassed or defensive about my internet loserdom...but she's right.

Oh look what we have here.