Monday, September 29, 2008


Trying to get my discount Metropass today was a pain and a half. And after all that, I still didn't even get the damn thing. I don't know why it didn't occur to me, but I need a student ID card, which I don't have. So I had to find the time to go do that...

But I discovered where the gymnasium is, so you know, if I ever need to go there*, now I know.

So I've talked about the Twins, Alcohol Abuse Girl and the Keener and I've mentioned Vaguely Racist Lady to some of my friends, but so far, I don't think I've mentioned Unnecessary Question Lady. There's one in every class; the suck up who just asks questions that, while still relevant to the topic being taught, are completely unnecessary. Stuff that is so insignificant, it's a wonder why they'd ask about it in the first place. Which wouldn't be so annoying if my Unnecessary Question Lady didn't do it every two minutes. She disrupts the flow of the lesson and I have to listen to the teacher go off on a tangent. And the worst part is she doesn't even raise her hand; she just blurts out the question.
Really, lady? You couldn't just wait until after class to ask the teacher?
Okay, I'm done venting.

Hey OSAP, what's up with my shit? Give me my goddamn money already.


Sunday, September 28, 2008


-we should go to Markham Fair this weekend, guys.

-I forgot I have a test tomorrow. I only remembered this morning and as of now, I still haven't studied. Whoops.

-I nearly bought throwing knives today, for the fuck of it. Which is laughable if you've seen me throw anything. Thankfully, I'm broke, so I couldn't buy them.

-I think Sian and I are doing some sort of photography collaboration? I'm excited.

-this was too funny not to post. I got this off Jocelyn.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

JAMC according to Vice

Admit it: Nobody really likes the Jesus and Mary Chain. I call giant heaping piles of bullshit on anyone who says that they love this band because they are LYING, and that includes our Vice UK editor, who wears a t-shirt of them all the time. Even he said, “I like the idea of them more than their badly recorded songs.” See? People like the “idea” that they put pop songs under fuzzy layers, but nobody actually likes the songs themselves because they are not good songs. Ooh, Psychocandy is, like, soooo seminal, man. Let me tell you who likes Psychocandy: functioning junkies who are having casual dinner parties and want to put on some mellow, unobtrusive-yet-“cool” background music. Also LIARS.

*shrug* Whatever. I still think it's a fucking great album.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


So today in my anatomy and physiology class, the teacher was talking about tear ducts.

Teacher: (pointing to the picture of a close up of a tear duct opening projected on a screen) Do you see the hole?

Me: (under my breath) thatswhatshesaid.

Keener sitting next to me: What?

Me: What?

Keener: (stares at me) Nothing.

I never thought that thing where you play dumb and ask "What?" immediately after someone asks you "What?" would work. Anyway, I really gotta stop saying "That's what she said" so much.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Rabbit backflips

So I went to the Sausage Party today. I brought my camera but was too lazy to even bother taking pictures. I didn't even take it out of my backpack. Thankfully, Michelle and Stephanie both took exceptionally embarrassing pictures of me. I can't wait to go on Facebook tomorrow to find that I've been tagged in 20 photos.
Thanks to Michelle for having us over and whoever supplied the wine that got me drunk.

In completely unrelated news, I saw a rabbit on the walk home from the party. I as I neared toward it, it started running away. Unfortunately, there was a fence right there. In it's panic at being trapped, it did a fucking backflip. Just jumped up, flipped and landed on its feet. This was in mid-run too. Yeah, that startled me enough to make me not get any closer.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Study time

I have a test coming up on Thursday. In typical Darren fashion, I won't start studying until Wednesday. I'd do it on Tuesday, but c'mon, I have a sausage party to go to.

Um. It'll make more sense once I post pictures of the sausage party. Ahem.

Because Seneca is a shithole, I won't be able to study there. It's like a giant high school. Their library is more of a giant computer lab. I can't study at home because it's full of distractions. I can't study at my local library because for some reason, the study kiosks are always full (even early in the morning!).
I'm thinking of either going to U of T St. George or York. Can anyone recommend a good (quiet!) study spot at U of T St. George where I don't have to fight someone for a study kiosk/desk? If not, I'll just go to York and pretend I haven't already wasted 4 years of my life studying a major I hated.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


What these photos basically say about me is that I've reached a new low in desperation for photo ideas. I would have liked to get a little more creative with the angles, but I didn't want to risk seeing Matt's dong; we haven't reached that point in our friendship yet.

Matt also set up drums in his apartment. There was a jam session. Notice the lab couldn't be bothered to clean dust off the negatives. Serves me right for getting it developed at Shoppers Drug Mart.

Friday, September 19, 2008

o rly?

Sir Ben Kingsley lip-syncing "Minor Threat" by Minor Threat. I'm confused as hell.
For what it's worth, he does look somewhat convincing.

Bonus 80's hardcore stuff: A timeline of the hair of Black Flag. They should do one for the Misfits and chronicle Jerry Only's receding devilock hairline.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Awesome, I'm not the dumbest one there

That thing about not knowing where I stand in my program amongst my fellow classmates? Yeah, scratch that. I know I sound really cocky saying this, and my cockiness will probably bite me in the ass down the road, but I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than most of the people in my program. Call it a hunch.

Today, I overheard a conversation in one of my classes. Girl #1 was 21 and never had a drink before in her life. Girl #2, astounded that such a thing was possible, could not fucking shut up about it.
"I still can't believe you've never drank! That's like so crazy!"
That was verbatim; I stopped taking notes and instead wrote down some of her more memorable quotes. I wanted to make sure I captured the right level of condescension. After Girl #2 was done make Girl #1 feel stupid for choosing not to drink, she went on to rub it in her face about all the fun she was missing out on and her preference of alcohol as if she were some authority on it.
"I hate those apple flavored liqeurs, but I love Bacardi!"
"Have you ever been to a pit party? You should go! It's filled with drunks and it's like, so fun!"
I could barely stand it. I wanted to simultaneously tell the girl to shut up and defend Girl #1's choice to not drink, but I'm already pretty low on popularity points as it is and Girl #1 is a big girl. She can stand up for herself.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Okay so I know all I do is post Youtube videos here, but this one was way too weird to not post.

Try not laughing around the 1:42 mark.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I don't really write anything substantial here these days; my days are filled with class or hanging out, neither of which are a big deal. Since my friends are the only ones who read this, they already know the details about the hanging out parts, since they were usually there. So I'll write about my courses so far.

As most of my friends know, I've divided my class time in half: half of it spent jotting down notes and the other half ogling two pretty girls. The first time I saw them, I thought they were just friends who had similar style. Then I found out they were twins. Their names are Zoey and Constantina. I obviously have no chance in hell with either of them, but I do have to admit having them in my classes motivates me enough to show up every day. And I also have to admit that I make more of an effort to not show up looking like trash.

So far, I can't really tell where I stand in the program. I can't tell if my fellow classmates are idiots or brainers. A lot of them seem really confused, which worries me. I'm sure I understand everything, but because everyone else doesn't, I wonder if maybe everything I think I know is wrong and I'm doing it all wrong and maybe I'm just being cocky. We have tests next week. I guess I'll figure out soon enough whether or not I truly know my shit.

Last week, I sat behind a girl who had one of the worst "engrish" shirts I've seen in a while. It wasn't even funny. It was just awful. Instead of writing notes, I found myself spending the next 5 minutes trying to copy the stuff on the back of her shirt (she kept shifting and leaning back on her chair, which blocked my view, which is why it took 5 minutes). It read:

don't look back at
cce these is
the rest
sometime august
the future
but then
what be there

"cce" isn't even a fucking word!


It's sort of an old one, but every time I've seen this commercial, I can't help but laugh.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Most of them were

My mom got a new hair cut. She asked me what I thought of it. I was on the computer, so I showed her this picture.

Lenny wants to start a grindcore band. I'm so down for grindcore. It's gonna be epic. All we need to do is think of a good name for our band and the rest will come naturally. I imagine the band will look or resemble something like this:

Last night, there was a wedding. One of my more distant cousins got married. I think I only have one photograph with him, when I was 5 or something. I didn't go to the wedding. Apparently, it was a pretty happening wedding reception; my mom told me all my cousins were there and that everyone was in high spirits. My dad added this morning that "There were a lot of pretty girls there too!" as if it were some sort of added bonus.
"Were they all related to me?"
"Y...well, most of them were"
I gave my dad a grossed out look.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Scarborough kids stick together

Steve had another party last night. The place was cramped and in the end, us Scarborough kids just hung outside. It was fun.
I didn't take most of these photos. I think Michelle took the majority of these. I just sort of leave it to my friends to take photos for me nowadays. Thanks.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A quick one

-the Walkmen show was really really good.
-I got to meet Alison's roommate's kitten, Weenie. He is the most adorable kitten I've ever met. I want a kitten badly now.
-stomach problems lately.
-new season of the Epicly Later'd show!
-that's it.

Believe it or not, this is the kind of nerdy shit that I get excited about.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

3 or 4 millimeters

School has been kind of confusing. I don't know if it's just me or if all the other opticianry students are just as lost as I am. The theory is easy enough, but using certain machines is confusing. We also have to take measurements, which require an astounding amount of precision; on the exams, we're only allowed a margin of error of half a millimeter. We've all been practicing the measurements on each other, and it seems the majority of us are off by about 3 or 4 millimeters. So the only options we have are to stop sucking or fail. And my cousin was telling me opticianry was easy.

Got some photos developed. Most of them are from the poutine party.

Going to see the Walkmen tonight. It should be a good time. They're surprisingly good live. Waking up at 6 tomorrow morning should also be a good time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This is nothing new, since everyone knows who Rick James is and has probably already seen this video. The only reason this is here is because I remember seeing this almost 2 decades ago. I couldn't remember anything about it other than the part where the girl goes "SAY WHAAAAAT?" (around 1:30) and Rick goes "Give it to me!", because it was the only part of it that I saw. It stuck with me for all this time until recently, when I heard the song and realized it was Rick James. And voila, here it is after all these years.
This song is hella catchy too.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Poutine/Putin Party

Thanks to Audrey for having us over (she didn't even want it at her place to begin with). It was hella tight or whatever the kids are saying these days.