Monday, September 29, 2008


Trying to get my discount Metropass today was a pain and a half. And after all that, I still didn't even get the damn thing. I don't know why it didn't occur to me, but I need a student ID card, which I don't have. So I had to find the time to go do that...

But I discovered where the gymnasium is, so you know, if I ever need to go there*, now I know.

So I've talked about the Twins, Alcohol Abuse Girl and the Keener and I've mentioned Vaguely Racist Lady to some of my friends, but so far, I don't think I've mentioned Unnecessary Question Lady. There's one in every class; the suck up who just asks questions that, while still relevant to the topic being taught, are completely unnecessary. Stuff that is so insignificant, it's a wonder why they'd ask about it in the first place. Which wouldn't be so annoying if my Unnecessary Question Lady didn't do it every two minutes. She disrupts the flow of the lesson and I have to listen to the teacher go off on a tangent. And the worst part is she doesn't even raise her hand; she just blurts out the question.
Really, lady? You couldn't just wait until after class to ask the teacher?
Okay, I'm done venting.

Hey OSAP, what's up with my shit? Give me my goddamn money already.