Monday, March 29, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Once again, the last 3 days, Lenny style.

The Good:
-I tried a shawarma for the first time in my life. It may have been because I hadn't eaten for 10 hours, but it was really delicious. I've been missing out.
-drinks with Sergio, Len, Michelle, Owen and Karloong & co.
-watching the Office with Mike, Haleigh, Ramy, Matt, JP, Owen and Sergio.
-trying to get through that one stage in a video game and failing miserably.
-talking openly about Sergio's wife's tits right in front of Sergio's wife.
-the assignment I thought was due yesterday was postponed a week.
-work was mostly smooth.
-the Spoon/Deerhunter show was a lot of fun. Great tunes and great company.
-remembering I have no school or work on Good Friday, and then finding out the weather's gonna be awesome on Friday.

The Bad:
-I only caught the last 3 songs in the Deerhunter set because of work. Thankfully, 2 out of the 3 songs were some of the ones I really wanted to hear.
-apparently, the Tall People Association of Toronto were holding a meeting at Sound Academy last night as well, because it felt like every tall person in the city showed up for the show and decided to block my view.
-work was mostly smooth, but I still got in shit.
-I went from going broke to going broke-er.
-trying to get through that one stage in a video game and failing miserably.

The Ugly:
-Sergio taking public urination to new heights (or lows, depending on how you want to look at it).

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Can't get the stink off

Unlike most people, my hair starts to smell funky after a mere two days. I know some people who go without washing their hair for weeks and not only does it not stink, it actually still smells decent.
I haven't washed my hair in three days. I could occasionally smell my own hair, which isn't a good sign. So I went to the bathroom and sprayed Febreze at head level up into the air and let the mist fall into my hair. Now all I smell are berries.

No, you're gross. YOU. You're gross.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lenny Styles

My weekend, Lenny style:

-drinks with Owen, Matt, Michelle, Haleigh and Sergio.
-trying to figure out who sang which 90's rock songs with aforementioned people.
-hanging around the Harbourfront area with Sergio and Len on some official SOS business.
-sushi with Sergio and Len.
-winning a free coffee from Coffee Time's own roll-up-the-rim thing on the first coffee I bought from them, as opposed to not having won a single thing yet from Tim Horton's for a few weeks now.
-having made the most sales at work yesterday.
-got my original copy of 'Still Life With Woodpecker' back from Sergio. He kept it for so long, I ended up buying another copy (which I also let someone borrow and haven't seen since).

-Caesars at Ballroom. They were so bad I only drank one.
-the sushi made me go to the bathroom thrice in a row.
-my dinner the night before also made me go to the bathroom thrice in a row. It's been an awesome weekend for my ass.
-I've been really really tired.
-kind of going broke.

I was going to bus it down to Sound Academy in a rush after work tonight to catch what was left of the Spoon/Deerhunter concert. Then I realized it's next Monday. Close call.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Memorable Quotes:
"Chicks are crazy. Even after you put a ring on it"
-Sergio, who's probably gonna regret this if his wife ever finds this blog.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


When I came home last night, my mom informed me that my dad had taken the liberty to set all the clocks one hour ahead for Daylight Savings. Including the ones in my room.
"He saw the poster in your room"
"Which poster?"
"The one on your closet door"
I already knew where the conversation was heading (hint: it was heading for hilarity). This is the poster hanging on my closet door.

Because my closet door is always open and my parents never venture into my room anymore, it was the first time my dad had seen the poster, despite it having been there for at least two years. He found the photo so strange that he even called my mom into my room to look at it. A lot gets lost in translation, but the basic conversation between my mom and dad went something like:
Dad: That's pretty scandalous/perverted.
Mom: Yeah, but we have nothing to worry about. I'm pretty sure he's straight.
Thanks mom!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Abby Normal

I went back to the doctor's to get the results from my x-ray. I liked how when I sat down in front of the doc, he just sat there and said "Yes?", despite the x-ray results being on his desk directly in front of him.
"Um. You sent me for an x-ray last week? You wanted to go over the results with me?"
He just blankly looked down and began reading from the report. So it turns out I have some sort of "abnormality" in the region where I have the pain. He didn't say what. He ventured a guess that it might be a dilated blood vessel somewhere in there. He suggested I take another x-ray in the summer to follow-up on it. I felt like I wasted a lot of time. Rather than make separate trips to see him and take an x-ray, he could have simply just texted me on my cell phone saying "i dunno lol".
He also informed me that I'm anemic; something about thalassemia. Something I was already aware of. So basically, nothing has been accomplished and I'm no closer to finding out what's wrong with me.

I'm getting a second opinion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

License To Drive

I wasn't going to say anything about Corey Haim's death, because frankly, I don't care. Then I realized he was in 'License To Drive' which was one of the first movies I ever saw (that I can remember). Maybe even the first. It was either that or 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade'.

So yeah, thanks for the childhood memories, Corey.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Moar like XXX-ray

So I went to the doctor yesterday to get my weird organ pain checked out. I'm not really a big fan of my doctor; he seems really antsy to get his patients out of his office in record time. I once asked him if there was anything he could give me to reduce my humungously swollen elbow and he simply gave me Advil. Yesterday was no different. He didn't even ask to check me. I explained everything to him and he immediately wrote me up a form to get an x-ray. He asked a total of 3 questions and that was about it.

I went to get my x-rays done today. The lady took me to a cramped stall with a curtain drawn, the size of my bedroom closet. She handed me a gown. The kind where you tie it in the back and shows off your ass.
"Okay take off all your clothes and put this on" she instructed me in Chinese.
My eyes widened.
"All of my clothes?"
She smiled and gave me this face that said this wasn't the first time a patient incredulously asked her that question. She seemed to take enjoyment in my shock.
"All of your clothes"
No one told me I had to get naked. I purposely even dressed down for the occasion; just a t-shirt and jeans. I assumed I'd just have to hike up my t-shirt and maybe pull my jeans down a bit just to expose the area she'd need to take the x-ray. And frankly, if I'd known, I'd probably have done them the courtesy of taking a shower before going. Thankfully, the gown she gave me was about 5 sizes too big, so I didn't have to worry about my non-existent ass being exposed.
The office was cold.
For most of the positions I had to lie in, it usually involved lying on my stomach. I kept worrying that the gown would open up and give her a nice view of my bony butt. For all I know, maybe it did, but I'm pretty sure I didn't. The best part was the last position, where I simply laid on my back. She took a metal plate and laid it on my crotch.
"This is just protection for your penis" she informed me.
I get the test results in a week.