Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Moar like XXX-ray

So I went to the doctor yesterday to get my weird organ pain checked out. I'm not really a big fan of my doctor; he seems really antsy to get his patients out of his office in record time. I once asked him if there was anything he could give me to reduce my humungously swollen elbow and he simply gave me Advil. Yesterday was no different. He didn't even ask to check me. I explained everything to him and he immediately wrote me up a form to get an x-ray. He asked a total of 3 questions and that was about it.

I went to get my x-rays done today. The lady took me to a cramped stall with a curtain drawn, the size of my bedroom closet. She handed me a gown. The kind where you tie it in the back and shows off your ass.
"Okay take off all your clothes and put this on" she instructed me in Chinese.
My eyes widened.
"All of my clothes?"
She smiled and gave me this face that said this wasn't the first time a patient incredulously asked her that question. She seemed to take enjoyment in my shock.
"All of your clothes"
No one told me I had to get naked. I purposely even dressed down for the occasion; just a t-shirt and jeans. I assumed I'd just have to hike up my t-shirt and maybe pull my jeans down a bit just to expose the area she'd need to take the x-ray. And frankly, if I'd known, I'd probably have done them the courtesy of taking a shower before going. Thankfully, the gown she gave me was about 5 sizes too big, so I didn't have to worry about my non-existent ass being exposed.
The office was cold.
For most of the positions I had to lie in, it usually involved lying on my stomach. I kept worrying that the gown would open up and give her a nice view of my bony butt. For all I know, maybe it did, but I'm pretty sure I didn't. The best part was the last position, where I simply laid on my back. She took a metal plate and laid it on my crotch.
"This is just protection for your penis" she informed me.
I get the test results in a week.


michelle said...


yr peen, it was protected

Owen said...