Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Master chef

So as far as cooking goes, this is what I've managed to make myself:
-eggs (fried and scrambled!)
That's it. I may as well get used to eating just those 3 things anyway because I also found out yesterday that I'm in debt. My second step into adulthood. So if I look thinner than usual next time you see me, it's probably because I've only been eating toast and eggs (fried and scrambled!) for a month.

In equally uninteresting news, I've been digging these Lakai commercials. They're always fun and more creative than most commercials nowadays. I guess it helps that Spike Jonze is one of the owners of the company.

Oh, and there's a podcast coming...eventually. Whenever I get around to actually editing the thing. Which could take a while. Excited? Shut up. I know you're not, you jerk. Why would you even pretend to be? Man, you really piss me off sometimes. They were right about you.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

5 days later

First, I wanna thank everyone that wished me a happy birthday last week. Honestly, I figured I would be able to count the number of people that remembered on one hand, with a few fingers left to spare. But even people that I rarely see/speak to (some who I didn't even think knew my birthday) were texting me. So I'm really moved that I got as many birthday wishes as I did.

I moved in on Friday, as planned. Aside from a few hiccups, it went really smoothly and now I'm all settled in.

Post-move in notes:
-it's really noisy on Friday and Saturday nights. No shit, right? But even from 11 floors up, it's a lot louder than I expected. Like, if I opened the balcony door on either of those nights and started talking to you, you wouldn't be able to hear me above the noise from outside.

-from all the people that I've bumped into in the building thus far, I feel like I really don't belong. They look like they belong downtown. I dress and act like someone transplanted a teenagers brain into a 28 year old's body.

-I am not used to using those coffee makers with the heating pad to keep the pot warm. I used mine for the first time on Saturday...only to get to work and panic, thinking I had left it on. I ended up pleading my boss for a one hour break and spending $100 on a round trip cab ride back to my place just to check if I really had left it on. I didn't. Better safe than sorry, right? I'd be more embarrassed if I had set the place on fire after only having moved in the previous day.

-I have like a billion channels! And I still barely watch television!

Lastly, I've resolved to learn how to cook. So this goes to all my friends: send me a recipe for something you've made before that you really like. Seriously. I'm kind of excited to try my hand at cooking. Real cooking, I mean. Hamburger Helper will always have a place in my heart, but on top of learning to cook, I've also resolved to not eat like a slob (unless I'm really tired or pressed for time).

Sunday, August 14, 2011


About two weeks ago at work, a couple came in looking for glasses. They were regular customers, although it was the first time I had met them. Although someone else was helping them, the husband walked up to me and said with a slight Yiddish accent "Do you know what my grandmother would say if she saw you?"
My first thought was "I hate chinks", although I just cluelessly shrugged. He smiled and said "'Ya gotta eat!' My boy, if I turned you sideways, you'd disappear!". I've had my weight commented on before, but never by a stranger. Still, I couldn't help but laugh because he was such a nice guy and I knew he didn't mean anything by it.

During my lunch break today, I went to the cafe I always go to. I ordered my lunch, when suddenly, the guy in front of me turned around. It was same gentleman, with his wife. "YOU'RE EATING!" he exclaimed with a smile. Again, I couldn't help but laugh.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

60 million Wongs make a right

As I walked into work today, my coworker Chris said "Congratulations man!" before I even broke my stride. I gave him a puzzled look.
"Uhhh...thanks. Congratulations on what?"
"Your coat of arms, man! Your crest!"
He kept mum, all the while sporting a goofy grin. As there was a customer in the store, he couldn't show me right away. As soon as the customer left, we ran to the computer.
Then he showed me this article. But if you're too lazy to read, here:

This here is the family crest for all Wongs in Canada. I think it's awesome that we get a crest, although if you ask me what I think of the crest itself...I'm really not digging it. My biggest point of contention with it is the damn panda bear, for reasons you can probably imagine.
What blows my mind is that there's even a Wong Association of Ontario and a Wong's National Convention of Ontario. What goes on at these conventions? Do people stand around with drinks in their hands, pat each other on the back and talk about how great it is to be a Wong? Because if so, I've been missing out.

Wing wang wong.

That is all.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Big Take Over

I got to see the condo for the first time today. Due to a bit of luck (caused by really shitty circumstances), Lenny had a rental van and what was supposed to be moving in a few things became moving in the majority of big stuff that I have for my place.
I haven't done a photo post in a while, so I thought it'd be a good idea to bring my camera (with the broken LCD screen) to document the day.

This was 8:30 in the morning. I'm not used to being up and outside at this hour. Lenny seemed to have no problem with it though.

The deceivingly large van.

Pops had to ride in the back the whole time. I felt really bad for him.

The ride down consisted of a lot of bumpin' to Rihanna and Drake. Drake must have been on the radio like 6 times to and from the place.

Managed to cram all my shit into the freight elevator with no problems.

...and then my camera crapped out on me. Honest. So there aren't any pics of my place. That's what happens when you use a camera that's been destroyed. This is the part where you probably stop caring about this entry.
Anyway, I dig the place. It's more or less as sweet as I thought it would be. I still have a lot of work I need to put into it, so I don't plan on staying there overnight any time soon.

I wanna thank Len a ton, because not only did he help move my shit, he even stayed to help me put together my furniture (which was surprisingly fun/funny). All I did to show my gratitude was pay for his pho.
Thanks to Serge a lot as well, for helping me move additional stuff later on in the evening.
I'm tired as hell. Good night.