Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Master chef

So as far as cooking goes, this is what I've managed to make myself:
-eggs (fried and scrambled!)
That's it. I may as well get used to eating just those 3 things anyway because I also found out yesterday that I'm in debt. My second step into adulthood. So if I look thinner than usual next time you see me, it's probably because I've only been eating toast and eggs (fried and scrambled!) for a month.

In equally uninteresting news, I've been digging these Lakai commercials. They're always fun and more creative than most commercials nowadays. I guess it helps that Spike Jonze is one of the owners of the company.

Oh, and there's a podcast coming...eventually. Whenever I get around to actually editing the thing. Which could take a while. Excited? Shut up. I know you're not, you jerk. Why would you even pretend to be? Man, you really piss me off sometimes. They were right about you.

1 comment:

michelle said...

i know a co-worker who developed an egg allergy from eating them too often, be careful! can you imagine not being able to eat them ever again!?