Monday, March 29, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Once again, the last 3 days, Lenny style.

The Good:
-I tried a shawarma for the first time in my life. It may have been because I hadn't eaten for 10 hours, but it was really delicious. I've been missing out.
-drinks with Sergio, Len, Michelle, Owen and Karloong & co.
-watching the Office with Mike, Haleigh, Ramy, Matt, JP, Owen and Sergio.
-trying to get through that one stage in a video game and failing miserably.
-talking openly about Sergio's wife's tits right in front of Sergio's wife.
-the assignment I thought was due yesterday was postponed a week.
-work was mostly smooth.
-the Spoon/Deerhunter show was a lot of fun. Great tunes and great company.
-remembering I have no school or work on Good Friday, and then finding out the weather's gonna be awesome on Friday.

The Bad:
-I only caught the last 3 songs in the Deerhunter set because of work. Thankfully, 2 out of the 3 songs were some of the ones I really wanted to hear.
-apparently, the Tall People Association of Toronto were holding a meeting at Sound Academy last night as well, because it felt like every tall person in the city showed up for the show and decided to block my view.
-work was mostly smooth, but I still got in shit.
-I went from going broke to going broke-er.
-trying to get through that one stage in a video game and failing miserably.

The Ugly:
-Sergio taking public urination to new heights (or lows, depending on how you want to look at it).


audreyssyp said...

How come the video game thing is both good and bad?
And haha re: tall people. I think I know who one of those people were.

Owen said...

Oh my god, I forgot about Sergio's peeing. I must have been really hammered, because I don't remember being too too bothered.

J said...

more details on pissing sergio pls