Monday, September 22, 2008

Study time

I have a test coming up on Thursday. In typical Darren fashion, I won't start studying until Wednesday. I'd do it on Tuesday, but c'mon, I have a sausage party to go to.

Um. It'll make more sense once I post pictures of the sausage party. Ahem.

Because Seneca is a shithole, I won't be able to study there. It's like a giant high school. Their library is more of a giant computer lab. I can't study at home because it's full of distractions. I can't study at my local library because for some reason, the study kiosks are always full (even early in the morning!).
I'm thinking of either going to U of T St. George or York. Can anyone recommend a good (quiet!) study spot at U of T St. George where I don't have to fight someone for a study kiosk/desk? If not, I'll just go to York and pretend I haven't already wasted 4 years of my life studying a major I hated.


Grizzly Fair said...

YAEAH come to st. george! There are way too many places to pick from actually.
But there are sometimes hotties as a distraction.

Leonard Chan said...

I like EJ Pratt near my old res or Gerstein on King's Circle.

michelle said...

giant pea cock library.

i liked the library at UTSC too, there are also study rooms on the floor above it.

Steph said...

I second EJ Pratt at the Victoria College part of campus. It's comfy and the reading room is ultra-quiet.

Genie said...

I like the law library, it's deathly quiet.. or you can come to gerstein! which is where i study b/c it's close by to my place/classes.