Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things I never really bothered to mention to most people

-my mom got laid off a few weeks ago. It was nice having her around at first; but these days, I can barely bring myself to speak to her.

-I did end up getting myself that ukulele I wanted. And now I'm selling it to Michelle.

-I've actually befriended The Twins this semester; a feat made all the more impressive when you consider how incredibly awkward and uncomfortable I am when left to make my own damn friends instead of having my friends do it for me. Sadly, it's not my animal magnetism, my wit or charm, dashing good looks, numerous talents or ridiculous package that got them to talk to me. It's because of my genetic predisposition to math, since they need help with the physics homework. I get the feeling like I'm being used but I'm just glad I can actually use the stereotype to my advantage for once.

-after two fantastic weeks of catching up on the sleep I missed out two weeks before that, insomnia has returned. I cut out a lot caffeine from my diet even before the insomnia came back and yet I'm still sleep deprived. I lose.


michelle said...

Let's hang out real soon!

Ridiculous package ahahah! I bet it was that!

Grizzly Fair said...

HO! just kidding
you're a good post-er too.