Friday, January 9, 2009

No photos, no sleep

I was hoping I could post the portraits I took over the Christmas break, but they're still not ready. Even though I dropped them off at Black's nearly a month ago. I understand that it was a special order (I requested 5x7s instead of 4x6s and a CD of the pictures as well), and that it has to be sent out to a separate lab, but a month to develop them? It's pretty ridiculous. And they're probably not even going to turn out that great anyway.

I haven't really slept in a week. It's the kind where I'm always on the verge of sleeping, but I can't fall asleep completely. Nytol doesn't even work anymore. I'm dying here.


Leonard Chan said...

those photo ppl are assholes.
maybe you need herbal relief.

Owen said...