Friday, January 9, 2009


My other resolution for this year is to start carrying a little notebook in my back pocket and to get into the habit of using it. I'm hoping that if I get into the habit of writing/checking it often, I'll forget less.
Maybe when I fill the notebook up, I'll scan a few pages and you guys can see the kind of retarded shit that goes on in my mind.


J said...

that's a good idea

Matthew said...

retarded shit like "jabcha"?


"Reason for existence. lo crack"

michelle said...

retarded but awesome

Owen said...

IMPORTANT shit like jabcha.

...I wasn't able to type 'jabcha' without laughing.

Anonymous said...

i hope you do this.
notebooks are something i have a weird affintiy for, but because i never want to spoil them, i end up not using them, or if i do, i hate that i spoiled the page and the page is in turn spoiling the notebook, so i rip out the page, until i have a notebook with no pages in it.

i like to record but have too much of an editors mind??????

what the fuck. why is spoiled such a silly word. you dont have to answer that.

Genie said...

i like this idea!