Monday, June 30, 2008

Unemployment and facial hair

Last night, I got surprisingly (or unsurprisingly, depending on how well you know me) drunk off a pint and a half of beer. I'm only including that fact because my dream last night picked up where my real life left off.
In my dream, I wake up the next morning, feeling like shit. I guess I got more fucked up than I realized. I'm pretty late for work and somehow, I still take my sweet ass time to get ready. The commute (via public transportation) is a pain in the ass and the buses take even longer than usual. By now I'm freaking out. Somehow, I get lost along the way too. I finally make it to work, convinced I'm gonna get in a lot of shit only to realize when I get there that I don't have a job. I'm unemployed, just like in real life. I proceed to freak out in my dream for all the trouble I put myself through. Then I wake up, feeling like a moron.
So basically, the only way I could be any dumber than I am now is in my dreams. Lovely.

Mom: (in Cantonese) Why haven't you shaved? Your (facial) hair is so long.
Me: I want to grow a mustache.
Mom: (laughing and grabbing me by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin) With these? There's barely any hair!
Me: I'm trying to be...manly.
Mom: (keeps laughing) I don't even know you anymore. (walks away laughing)

The best part is that I was serious. Why am I always the funniest when I'm not trying?

1 comment:

Grizzly Fair said...

not by the hairs of your chinny-chin-chin!!:o