Friday, July 17, 2009


This year, I had more money in my bank account than I've ever had in my life. According to my coworker Sal, it's still not much, but to me, it was definitely enough that money wasn't really an issue anymore. It was one problem taken care of.
Anyway, all that money is gone now. I'm broke. $300 in the hole, actually. I paid for my entire school year's tuition on Tuesday. I figured I'd pay it all instead of semester by semester in case I didn't have any money by then. I don't get paid again until the end of the month. Straight scroungin' from here on in.
I still don't regret buying that camera.

Speaking of which...

The camera only takes half-frames. I actually like having two photos, side by side, to look at in one frame. The photos also came out amazingly crisp. So yeah, I'm broke, but I think it was totally worth it.

Band practice again today. A huge improvement. I don't suck as much anymore. We could get through the two songs we've been working on without me facepalming. So that's a start. We have a tentative show on September 17. Come out if you can. You can watch me choke under pressure and facepalm like crazy.

Earlier this week, I noticed a stack of resumes on my boss's desk. Being the nosy prick that I am, I took a closer look and flipped through a few of them. I'm 99% certain it's for my job; they all listed bookkeeping, accounts receivable/payable, etc. as previous work experiences. Thank God.
I can't adequately put into words just how miserable work has made me. I've never wished to be fired before, just so I could be taken out of my misery. I can't even enjoy myself even when I'm not at work now. I hope it ends one way or another.


michelle said...

srsly, that looks so amazing!

haha facepalming

everything is going to be ok

J said...

velly nice!


Grizzly Fair said...

FUCK DANG these are like gorgeous film stills for someting.

Very jealous of the camera.