Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More whining

When I first took this job and met the bookkeeper I'd be replacing, she didn't strike me as a very friendly person. She wasn't particularly pretty to begin with, but the fact that she never smiled made her even less pretty. She had the same solemn, stone-set face. And it wasn't that she wasn't nice or anything; talking to her, she was alright. But her face always gave me the impression that she had something stuck up her ass all the time.
On the way to work this morning, I've realized that 3 months later, I've become her. It actually takes effort to smile, even outside of work. It's particularly taxing when a customer walks in the store when I'm in the middle of freaking the fuck out, and I suddenly have to pretend that I'm loving every minute I'm there.
In brighter news, we hired a new bookkeeper last night. The bad news is that she isn't replacing me; merely lending an extra hand. I've decided to give it until August 10th. If things don't improve and I'm still ripping out my hair, I'm going to quit on my birthday, August 11th. It'll be a birthday present to myself. It'll suck to start job hunting at the ass-end of summer, but it's gotta be better than what I'm going through now.

Also on the way to work, I saw a car with the license plate "YRU SAD". I decided it best not to respond back to the car.

1 comment:

michelle said...

YOU'RE fucking awesome
