Monday, July 13, 2009

Earrings be trillion cut and my grill be slugged up

-Lenny, Sergio, JP and I went to "Smithsfits" night at 751 Saturday night for maybe 45 minutes. It was packed full of hipsters, but I had a fun time dancing anyway. They played 'This Charming Man' twice. Thanks to JP for doing what he does best (climbing impossibly high shit) and sneaking us in.

-I scratched a tickling feeling on my neck during dinner last night only to discover that the source of the tickling was a spider. It was shaped exactly like a black widow spider, but grey. It fell off my hand and right into my dinner that I was greatly enjoying. Bummer. For my troubles, the spider died shortly thereafter. Apparently, Thai food is lethal to spiders.

-Mark, Matt, Michelle and I attempted to go to the beach today. And by "attempted", I mean we succeeded, but it was very poorly planned. And by "poorly planned", I mean there was no plan at all and we just showed up with no towel, food, or anything to keep us occupied. So I propose that we try it again in a week or two. It'll give us more time to organize everything. What do you say, guys?

-Saturday night was the first time in a ridiculously long time all of SB were literally in the same room together. Getting all of us to hang out was always a little difficult, but I find as time goes on, "difficult" slowly becomes "impossible". Yeah yeah, that's life, people change and whatever, but it doesn't mean I can't be saddened by it.

-I've been working at the optical store for over 3 months now and I still can't get over rich, middle-aged women using the word "bling" or worse, "bling-bling". And seeing as how a lot of the sunglasses are decorated with jewels, it comes up a lot. I cringe every time. Can't they just say "jewels"?

1 comment:

michelle said...

nope, it has to be "bling bling"