Monday, May 2, 2011

Song challenges 4, 5 and 6

Song Challenge #4: A Song That Makes You Sad
I don't think I know of any song that makes me sad, but if there were to be any song that could do it, this would be the most likely one. Or the first half of the song, anyway, which is all that this video really covers.

Song Challenge #5: A Song That Reminds You of Someone
I probably have a song for each person I know, but my friend Stephanie has a knack for introducing me to music that I end up listening to on repeat, even years afterward. For instance, she sent this song to me almost two years ago.

Song Challenge #6: A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere
When I went to the Dominican Republic with friends, a few of us got sick, despite taking efforts not to drink the local water. I got it the worst, so for a good portion of the trip, I was in my room watching BET on television. And this was a big hit at the time. I ended up loving it and learning some of the lyrics. Then I attempted to sing it at karaoke. I sucked.

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