Thursday, May 26, 2011

Silly ass shit

Mark and I went together to write our G1 exam. Yeah, we even held hands all the way there (not really). It was Mark who was worried about bringing the right pieces of ID to even make it in but I was the one who was ultimately turned away because I'm an idiot. I wished him good luck while I wandered around a Toys R Us, a dollar store and a thrift store.
When he came out, he looked bummed. I had assumed he had failed. He didn't. As he was waiting to write his test, his mom (who had driven the both of us there), came in and he gave his IDs to her to take home. Turns out you still need it even once you get in. And since she had already left the place, he couldn't write his exam either. So neither one of us even came close to writing the damn thing. If that isn't some silly ass shit, I don't know what is.

We try again tomorrow.

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