Friday, February 6, 2009


I can't stand the majority of the people in my program. There are only a small handful of people I find tolerable. Probably because they're like me; they keep to themselves, show up to class, take notes and leave as soon as it's over.

So imagine how much I grimace when I get Facebook friend requests from some of my classmates. It's sort of a Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm thing; on paper, it really shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it plays out a lot more differently in real life. I can't deny the request, because then I'll look like a dick and since I see some of them every day, it'll just be awkward. But I personally can't stand the fact that I'm calling some of these assholes my friends, even if it's just on Facebook. Even some of the people that I can tolerate, I wonder why they want to be Facebook friends to begin with; we never speak to each other and even now that we're Facebook friends, we still haven't spoken. I'm surprised the majority of these people even know my name.

Anyway, not much I can do about it. I'll just have to let my list of friends get cluttered up. As if real life wasn't filled with enough shitty situations, Facebook had to come add to it.


audreyssyp said...

I wonder the same about people I went to high school with and suddenly want to become Facebook friends. But really, they probably just want a safety just in case they need you one day; they'll just message you on Facebook and ask a favour.

J said...

Fuck them.

michelle said...

i feel the same. you can be one of those Facebook people with like a billion friends.

Owen said...

I ignore friend requests sometimes. It's like pretending I have Facebook but don't really use it.

Grizzly Fair said...

just leave it pending forever-evver.
Unless you wanna be totally awesome with 1000 friends so you can impress the babes.
Either that or these people are just using you to add to their collection of 1000 friends, to impress the babes.
It's nice to have school buddies around on facebook though for advice but still, likely with your grades, they will be bugging you for advice.
So leave it pending for evahhh.

Matthew said...

Play it cool until one of them offers to buy you a coffee or something.

Make them earn your friendship the right way.

Genie said...

uhh.. i just requested your friendship