Sunday, February 15, 2009


Back in university, when Sharon and I had an ongoing war to pay for each others coffees, she had mentioned that she considered knowing how someone takes their coffee to be an important part of a relationship. I agree with her.

I take mine like Mr. Wolf from Pulp Fiction: lots of cream, lots of sugar. do you take yours?


Owen said...

I take mine up my butt

audreyssyp said...


J said...

open the window and let the gay out pls

Leonard Chan said...

For me, I think it depends on what kind of coffee it is. Usually just a bit of soy milk, but if the coffee isn't so good then i'll add some sugar.

Anonymous said...

I put a lot of cream. I only add sugar to Tim Horton's coffee, which tastes like batteries to me otherwise.

Steph said...

Black, although I try not to drink it too much because it makes my stomach tense and my poops unpredictable.

michelle said...

i don't love coffee, but i like it with a little cream and a lot of sugar

Grizzly Fair said...

Yeah like lenny it depends
Usually lots of sugar and very little to no milky.

Theres a great place near poulette that has the besssst coffeee