Sunday, February 8, 2009


So last night at Lindsay's charity kegger, there was a people auction. Like a date auction, only the person has to be the winner's bitch for a day. I didn't sign up to be auctioned off (doing someone's chores or being their butler doesn't appeal to me), but surprisingly, I was in high demand (by all my male friends and possibly none of my female friends). So I auctioned myself off. I ended up being sold for $40, which is really flattering. I was the most expensive person sold.
Too bad it was Sergio who won me. Even worse, he says he'll use me when he needs to move heavy stuff. I guess he forgot I'm about as strong as an 8 year old girl.
On the bright side, I bought Jocelyn for $20. I most likely won't make any use of it and will just hang out with her.

I think I'm getting too old for parties. I can't pound back beers and even when I take it easy like I did last night, I still get headaches by the end of the night. Alcohol doesn't loosen me up anymore anyway, so I'm just as awkward as I usually am. But with a headache. I kind of wish I had made more use of the first half of my twenties.

Sleep last night was amazing. You know it's good when you try really hard to wake up, but just fall asleep easily within seconds. Borderline comatose.

1 comment:

michelle said...

it just means that your guy friends totally want you. *fooomp* :D