Monday, November 10, 2008

"Whatever. The guy's dead anyway"

I gotta start eating healthier. I think the only form of vegetables I've eaten this past week has been canned corn. It's like my Greenwood diet all over again.

The group portrait thing was a success, in the sense that people showed up and they certainly are goofy. The photographer seemed to enjoy having us too, since it wasn't so serious. She even pitched a few ideas. We pick up the photos in 2 weeks. I'll scan them all so everyone can have an electronic copy of our corniness.
I'm personally going to frame mine, then put it up along with the rest of the family photos on the shelf and see how long it takes for my parents to notice.
At one point, Michelle suggested we do the Madness pose, but Stephanie and Britt had no idea what the hell she was talking about. So here it is:

The last time we tried to recreate it, it ended up like this:

I don't particularly care for Iggy Pop all that much, but I've been listening to him quite a bit lately.


J said...

that would've been cool too

michelle said...

we need to practice madness pose more

Steph said...

I agree. It's also a good excuse to get all up ons.

Grizzly Fair said...

:DHAHAHA! That picture never gets old. all up ughhhhhnnnnsss!

You gotta learn how to make easy stuff that is good for you before you move out next time. :O

the word verification is 'coldsol'