Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Home Alone

Since my parents and my brother left for vacation on Friday morning:
-the house has progressively gotten messier and messier
-I've surprisingly remembered to water the plants and feed the fish
-I've danced around the house (not in my underwear, Matt)
-I've been eating a lot more, although my diet isn't what you'd call healthy
-my grandmother has been calling every day, as she always does. My parents are keeping the vacation a secret, so I'm kind of running out of lies to tell her when she asks where my dad is
-the only time I've spent the money my parents gave me for essentials is for things like cigarettes
-they haven't so much as called me to let me know they're okay they called. They're okay.


J said...

slumber party?

Grizzly Fair said...

^ yeye

man, your grandma calls everyday! I'd run out of excuses after the second day.

michelle said...

^ yeye to the yeye

i hope your grammy doesn't get too suspicious!

Owen said...