Sunday, November 30, 2008

Last day

My parents come back tomorrow. I'm glad they are. I can handle living in a basement, but not an entire house. I'm gonna be spending today cleaning up the entire house.

On an unrelated note, here is a Mentos commercial spoof made by (and starring) a guy I used to be tight with back in elementary school. It's not OMGROFLMAO funny, but I did find myself chuckling.

Edit: Holy shit, I didn't realize how dirty this house was. My plan was to be done by midnight, so I could get enough sleep for class tomorrow. This could take a lot longer than I expected.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


So there were maybe 10-15 people (not counting the sketchy ones) there at most, but I think in the end, that's what made it so fun. Kudos to Matt and Ramy for running everything, including taking over for the cracked out bartender who didn't so much as open one bottle of beer for anyone.
Also, DJing is kind of a crock.

Pics when I feel like it. Now it's time to try and sleep.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Scarborough Crunk Party

Dinner and Broken Social Scene last night were great. They played all my favorite songs (except for 'Almost Crimes', surprisingly), they had some nice surprises along the way (Brendan Canning in a sparkly gold outfit with dancers, doing some song I'm not familiar with), they experimented a bit (Charles Spearin's thing, where he got the saxophonist to mimic a person talking), a balloon drop ending, and they brought out Isaac Brock to play two Modest Mouse songs with them ('The Good Times Are Killing Me' and 'Paper Thin Walls'). I probably would have enjoyed it a bit more if I had cash in the beginning to check my coat and big ass backpack, which I carried with me throughout the entire show.
But still, no complaints about the show from me.
Stephanie asked us what our favorite song they played last night was. I never got to give my answer: Brendan Canning's "Hit The Wall". So yeah, there you go, because I know how badly everyone wanted to know, right?

It makes no difference, since Matt already posted the details and we both know the same people Blogger-wise, but here are the details for tonight, as written by Matt:
Friday November 28th @ 262 Progress Avenue

8pm, no cover, cheap-ass dranks.


Pink Dead Whale (I hear they are sick)

and special guest:


See you there.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Backdoor Vegetarian

Looks like the $130+ "investment" I made last year (or was it the year before?) will finally come to use tomorrow night. Lulz on account of my epic fail, plus you get to meet Mr. Backdoor Vegetarian in the flesh. Do you really need any more reasons to go to Soundwave tomorrow night?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I was supposed to go to bed nearly 2 hours ago, but I was using my mom's PC (also known as my old PC) and came across all my old stuff. Aside from the old digital pics that everyone has already seen, I found some pretty random stuff that I completely forgot and had a good laugh over.

Things like:
-a doodle of me that Lenny drew in high school
-photobooth pics I took with Jocelyn maybe 5 years ago
-band logos that my friends and I altered so that it would include our names in it (ie. Mattallica)
-a drawing of me, naked and spilling Coke, that Michelle drew on MS Paint
-another MS Paint drawing of me burning a copy of A Clockwork Orange (I forget who drew it)
-really shitty pictures from my high school's first generation digital camera that JP and I borrowed to take skate pics
-pictures that Sian took for my site, when I still had it
-old photos I took for my photography class in high school
-webcam pics with Christine and Sharon
-all the MP3s I used to listen to in high school
-scanned photos of the first day I used my SLR and tested it at ACI
-a Bollywood song that JP sent me
-pictures of Kathy that Sergio sent me back when he wasn't even dating her and only had a crush on her

I'll post some of them tomorrow, when I find the time.

Edit: On second thought, nevermind. I just realized how embarrassing a lot of the pics are.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wii Fit

Is Michelle not the most adorable person you've ever seen playing Wii Fit?

The best is her celebratory dance near the 1:16 mark.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Things we/I love about Matt:
-his facial hair
-his dance moves
-the tantrums he throws when watching Juventis soccer games
-his credo of "Fashion over function"
-his unnatural ability to pick up anything and learn it quickly
-probably one of my funniest friends. Intentionally funny, I mean
-his shit-talking, unless he's doing it to you
-he pulled The Stunner on Maggie
-he usually gets me a coffee when he comes over to my place to smoke and shit-talk
-you've seen him play Guitar Hero, right?

Happy Belated Birthday, Matt.

Speaking of Matt, he asked me what I've been listening to lately. I drew a blank. So I just looked on iTunes and told him my most listened to songs instead. But now that I've had time to recollect, here are some songs I've been listening to lately:

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - The Diamond Sea (acoustic Sonic Youth cover)

Iggy Pop - Don't Look Down

TV On The Radio - Playhouses

Friday, November 21, 2008

Nom Nom Nom

Say what you want about them, but I love me some grilled cheese sandwiches. They may not exactly be filling, but that's all the more reason to make more. Yum.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Teacher: Can anyone tell me if the optical power of this glass rod is positive or negative?

Class: *silence*

Teacher: Let me give you a hint. The head of the rod is bulging.

No, I didn't say the phrase I always say every 2 minutes. I wanted to, but I didn't. I just snickered. I guess that shows I'm making progress, right?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I forget

You know how on television, people say "I think I left my stove on" as an excuse to get out of something? Today, I forgot I left my stove on. For 5 hours. Thankfully, the heat wasn't on high. But still.

My shitty memory is going to kill me one day.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

P.P and the P

For absolutely no reason, I remembered this today. I remember watching it a lot when I was a kid. I didn't even particularly like the show all that much; it was just what Fox happened to be playing after school. Does anyone else remember this?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

a reminder

Bonus: my Grade 1 portrait in the background.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Walking the walk

It's probably not a big deal for most people, but knowing how lazy I can get, I'm surprised I walked as far as I did last night. I'm still tired. I think it's time for a nap.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A dinrar is you

Now that my parents are gone, a few people have suggested that I have a party. I don't know why, but I'm pretty uptight about the condition of the house. And something as minor as a broken blind and a loose leg on a hallway table the last time I had a party was enough to send me into freak out mode. I think it's just the idea of having to explain things to my parents when they get back.

After being reassured by friends that the people who acted like drunken idiots last time won't be there, I'm slowly opening up to the idea. Mark suggested a compromise of having a dinner at my place. He enjoys cooking and I haven't had a meal that wasn't frozen in the past two weeks. And it will be relaxed, so I don't have to worry about people getting sloshed and throwing themselves at my blinds or hallway table. So if anyone is up for that, let me know.

I think we're also having a "miraculin party" at my place too, but I'm not sure. Ask Jocelyn about that.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Whatever. The guy's dead anyway"

I gotta start eating healthier. I think the only form of vegetables I've eaten this past week has been canned corn. It's like my Greenwood diet all over again.

The group portrait thing was a success, in the sense that people showed up and they certainly are goofy. The photographer seemed to enjoy having us too, since it wasn't so serious. She even pitched a few ideas. We pick up the photos in 2 weeks. I'll scan them all so everyone can have an electronic copy of our corniness.
I'm personally going to frame mine, then put it up along with the rest of the family photos on the shelf and see how long it takes for my parents to notice.
At one point, Michelle suggested we do the Madness pose, but Stephanie and Britt had no idea what the hell she was talking about. So here it is:

The last time we tried to recreate it, it ended up like this:

I don't particularly care for Iggy Pop all that much, but I've been listening to him quite a bit lately.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bass Groove

I didn't bother editing all this, so it's a lot longer than it has to be and the last few seconds are of me trying to figure out how to stop recording. And Matt is not acting. He really does play Rock Band like that.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hey, look at me! I'm a cabbage!

He really is a damn good actor.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Home Alone

Since my parents and my brother left for vacation on Friday morning:
-the house has progressively gotten messier and messier
-I've surprisingly remembered to water the plants and feed the fish
-I've danced around the house (not in my underwear, Matt)
-I've been eating a lot more, although my diet isn't what you'd call healthy
-my grandmother has been calling every day, as she always does. My parents are keeping the vacation a secret, so I'm kind of running out of lies to tell her when she asks where my dad is
-the only time I've spent the money my parents gave me for essentials is for things like cigarettes
-they haven't so much as called me to let me know they're okay they called. They're okay.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I forgot

Last night was probably the most fun I've had in a really long time.
Thanks to May for loaning me her camera. I remembered to charge both batteries for my camera, and I even remembered to bring my camera to the party, but forgot that my memory card was in the memory card reader at home. I've uploaded every single photo from last night here, so everyone can download the photos in all their beautiful full-sized glory.

Also, I stole the award for Best Costume. Not my fault that whoever won it couldn't be bothered to take it home.