Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Report cards

Being a pack rat saved me a ton of trouble today. Who knew annoying habits could one day prove useful?
I needed a transcript and a course syllabus for a course I took at York, in order to get deferred standing on one of the courses I need to graduate. I had both at one point, but I had a feeling I threw out the syllabus, as it was completely useless and it seems like something I'd throw out. I was pretty bummed about it, considering I couldn't remember the course code, or the professor's name, so even if I did need to request a copy of the syllabus from York, I wouldn't know where to begin. I gave up hope on it, only to discover it when I was trying to look for a copy of my university transcript. I was overjoyed.
The problem is now I can't find my transcript. Life's a bitch like that.

While attempting to look for my transcript, though, I came across some old report cards. Here's an excerpt from my kindergarten report card:

New experiences are not the threat to him that they were earlier in the year. Sometimes Darren's mind does not seem to be on what he is doing and he can be quite forgetful when it comes to tidying up and taking things home.

My Grade 2 teacher wrote:

Attempts at establishing good, consistent work habits have proven inconsistent...Darren continues to have difficulties attending to the task at hand...I would like to see Darren develop more self pride in his work...Darren is a capable student who does not always work to his full potential because he spends too much time socializing with his peers.

My favorite, though, is my grade 1 report card:

Darren has displayed a keen interest in drawing ninja turtles this term. His pictures have been very detailed.

Sounds like I was more awesome as a kid than I am now.


audreyssyp said...



michelle said...

haha that's awesome!! i have my elementary report cards too!



Owen said...

I wish I could see your Ninja Turtles