Thursday, May 6, 2010

What's new

My memory's really starting to go. I'm one of the few keyholders at my workplace, which probably isn't a good thing, because I find it increasingly difficult to remember if I locked the doors at night. I've already forgotten twice already to lock the doors; I've been warned that if I forget one more time, I'm fired. The other night, I couldn't even remember 2 minutes after I left if I locked the doors. It's one thing if I tried hard to remember and it slowly came back to me, but for me, it's like amnesia. I just draw a blank. I can't tell you how many times I've been so paranoid about it that I've walked back from the subway station to work just to double check.

Ever wake up from a dream that was so convincing that when you woke up, you actually questioned whether or not it happened in real life? This morning, I woke up convinced that I had killed two people, disposed of their bodies in some gruesome fashion and that I had blocked those memories out of my mind. Who knows? With my shoddy memory, maybe I have.

I was gonna write about how awful work's been this week, but instead, I'll focus on the positive aspect of it. Work now is almost exactly like how work was a year ago; I still bust my ass 6 days a week at my job, only I know what I'm doing and I'm a lot better at my job than I was a year ago. Working that often really makes me appreciate the one day I have off and as much as I want to veg out at home and do nothing, I force myself to go out and make the most of my free time. So I'm happy to say the past two Thursdays have been great. It'd be nice if I could get one more day off, but I guess this will suffice. It's too bad school starts again next week, which will throw off my schedule once more, but I'm hoping I'll find the motivation to go out and do something the way I've been doing the past two weeks. Here's hoping.


michelle said...


audreyssyp said...

You should play Brain Age or do what my grandma does: play mah jong or do tai chi