Friday, April 9, 2010

Kinda like a big deal

I was busy trying to nap in the school cafeteria while my classmates were busy killing time or studying. One of them woke me up just to ask me what my GPA was. I duly told her what it was and asked why she was so interested.
"You're famous"
Unable to put together what my GPA and my apparent fame had anything to do with one another, I asked her to explain. Supposedly one of my teachers mentioned my name to the class of students, telling them that I'm smart. So one of the students asked the girl if she knew a Darren. I had to laugh; I'm certain there's a good number of people in my program that are doing far better than me. I'm not sure what it is about me that sticks out to my teachers.
Possibly my terrible posture and laughable facial hair.

My mom found a box in a drawer containing her old TTC student Metropasses and showed them to me. It was cute, seeing my mom as a teenager. She had pretty good style back then. I was going to ask what happened to that style, but didn't feel like getting smacked upside the head by her. My dad, on the other hand, wasn't so smart and made fun of her relatively large Chicken Little glasses. He got smacked upside the head.
So I guess the question of who I inherited my lack of smoothness with the opposite sex from is now answered.

Thanks to Pineapple Express, I feel sheepish for admitting I like Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I found out today that they're back to play a few shows, though, so fuck it; I'm excited again. I hope there's a Toronto date somewhere in there.


michelle said...

that's awesome, i'd like to see those!! i still have my student ttc id cards but i look pretty lame

Owen said...


Your dad is still pimp.

I'm forming a tribute band, The Godspeed You! Black Emperor's New Clothes.
Just joking.
If they decide to come here, plz do let me know