Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I call them April Babies because they fools.

For the past two Sundays, as I'm walking to work, this rather chunky and disheveled looking guy in sunglasses has come up to me with well wishes. I think the first time, he said "Have a good year man!" and continued to walk. This past Sunday, he said "Have a good day, man!". I said "Thanks, you too!". I can't tell if he's secretly taking the piss or if he's slightly wacked out or maybe he's just a happy guy in general. I wonder if I'll see him this Sunday. Maybe I'll beat him to the punch and wish him a good day.

One of my classmates showed up to the exam today and for some reason, announced that he was going to "sit next to my good friend Darren". He has it in his head that I know my shit for some reason and I guess he wanted to cheat off me. Thankfully, he revealed that he wasn't going to cheat off me, but he was just going to sneak his notes in with his exam paper and use that to cheat (so I still have no idea why he wanted to sit right next to me, because I'm sure as hell not his "good friend"). It hardly comes as a surprise that he ended up getting caught halfway through the exam. What kills me is that he didn't get slapped with a zero; all the teacher did was take his paper and tell him "I should be asking you to leave right now". He was allowed to continue writing the exam.
So the moral of the story is: cheat all you fucking want, because apparently the teachers at Seneca are too spineless to enforce anything, let alone a supposed zero tolerance policy.

My dad bought a few bikes a few weeks ago and one night, Sergio and I decided to take them out for a spin around the block. We forgot just how much fun it could be to just go cruising around on a bike. So we decided that we should get our own bikes, since neither of us had one. So we each got a bike yesterday.
We both went riding around for a total of maybe 90 minutes yesterday; I haven't had that much exercise in almost a year. I'm hoping I put it to good use, considering the money I spent on it.
Oh, and the kicker? Sergio and I got identical bikes. No, we did not get matching outfits too and no, we didn't hold hands when we rode together. Also, in other non-gay news, my ass hurts. I was warned that riding lowrider bikes isn't too comfortable since it doesn't leave too much leg room to pedal, but that doesn't even bother me. The part that kills me is that the banana seat my bike comes with has zero cushioning, so I feel. Every. Bump. My conversation with Sergio today went something like:
"How's your ass?"
"It hurts!"
"Mine too"
Like there aren't enough gay jokes about Sergio and I, right?

I thought I heard every good song from the 80's, but I was wrong. No one told me about Chalk Circle.

1 comment:

Owen said...

Yeah Seneca doesn't really seem to give a shit about cheating on tests.

I pictured you guys on the same bike. It was funny. First the bike had two seats, and then it was one seat and you were on the handlebars.