Monday, November 9, 2009

Mistuh Bah-cway

One of my teachers has a speech impediment. He pwuh-nounces stuff wike Ew-muh Fudd. I'd like to think of myself as a (usually) nice guy. I don't make fun of people if they have speech impediments. But there's something about my teacher that makes it irresistible for me to make fun of him. Of course, I make fun of him behind his back, but I'm finding it increasingly harder to hold it in. There have been a few instances this past week where I nearly tried to sneak in his own impediment in my sentences just to see if he'd notice. I nearly said "You're wew-come" when he said "Thanks" to me this morning.

The point of it all?
I don't really have one. That's it.

1 comment:

J said...

this is why i love you