Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hey Sergio! It's getting kind of hot in here.

The things we/I love above Sergio:
-will tell it like it is when he feels you need to hear it
-always willing to hear about what's going on in your life even if you don't want to talk about it
-always hypes me up to people I don't even know
-up for coffee and smokes any time of the day, which is good if you like coffee and/or smokes
-he laughs like a hyena, but it has the weird ability to make you laugh
-he'll smoke the majority of your pack, but will always give you a pack back
-knows and loves the songs I don't
-always the first to dance
-mustaches that make him look like a pedophile
-the gift of gab, which sometimes gets him into trouble, but usually makes a surprising number of new friends

Happy Birthday, Sergio.

1 comment:

Owen said...

"awkward.jpg" XD