Monday, July 4, 2011


The checklist:

-people showed up. Check. More people showed up than I expected, so I get bonus points on that.
-risk life and limb to bring down patio chairs from the little storage space in my garage. Check.
-homemade burgers, courtesy of Mark. Check.
-awesome mustard for wieners and burgers. Check.
-flowers from Owen? Sure. Check.
-annoying my neighbors with my music. Check.
-one obligatory Sapporo for Serge. Check.
-broken BBQ grill, to double the amount of time it would take to cook everything. Check.
-roasted corn. Fuck yeah. Check!
-watermelon. Double fuck yeah. Check.
-sacrificial altar to cut the watermelon. Check.
-makeshift ashtray for the smokers. Check.
-enough cigarettes for myself. Nope.
-enough alcohol for everyone. Check.
-fancy-pants ice cream. Check.
-used up nearly every plate in my house. Check.
-no parents. Check.

Yes, I'd say the BBQ was a success. Thanks to everyone that showed up!

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