Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mystery frames

So for the last 6 weeks or so, we've had this giant Chanel poster hanging out in the front of our store. Nothing special. It's not the first giant Chanel poster we've had hanging there and it sure as hell won't be the last. And as far as posters for optical collections go, it's really formulaic; it's a head shot of a pretty girl wearing frames in black and white.
And yet, for some reason, I've never seen such a high level of demand for any pair of frames in the entire time I've worked in this store. It's insane, the number of women that have walked into the store, asking "Can I see those frames that she's wearing?". I just don't get it. The frames are nice, but it's not exactly reinventing the wheel. No other pair of frames has garnered so much attention and desire from passerby. Today alone, we took down the names and phone numbers of 6 different women who demanded we call them ASAP the minute we got the frames in. Six isn't a big number, but I'm not counting all the people that asked about it without leaving a name/number.
And the kicker? We don't have the frames. We ordered them, but the distributor (who happen to be the largest corporation in the optical industry) doesn't even have the frames on hand. I've yet to figure out how they could ship us a big ass poster advertising frames that they don't even have.

So here it is. If anyone can provide some insight as to what makes these frames so amazing, let me know.


michelle said...

i kind of like them myself. i like how they're thin and oversized. maybe they're hard to find or someone blogged about the poster at your store

J said...

I like them too. I kind of want new glasses now.

Boris ate at Swish last night. He says HI!


addictivemobility said...


michelle said...

omg so true!!

audreyssyp said...

crap, sorry guys, that was me (addictivemobility) on a work account. not just some weirdo who knows who May is.
I'm the weirdo!