Friday, April 29, 2011

List of shit

As per Michelle's advice, I've started my list of shit that I wanna do during the summer.

-photography projects. I've got some ideas brewing and if all goes well, I'm gonna get Lunar Piano Tuner (both members!) to be my guinea pigs. If it works out, I'm gonna be calling a lot more of my friends to help me out.

-skate. I gotta get my exercise in somewhere and honestly, I really miss skating (even though I suck at it).

-stencils. It's been a long time since I made any stencils. The last one I did was on a school binder two years ago. I've already started to try and warm up a bit before I undertake any bigger projects...

Some of the details are hella blurred, but it's not easy spraying griptape. I'm planning on spraying the underside too, but don't know of what yet. So if you have any suggestions, send `em. And no, I haven't heard the new Panda Bear album yet; I just really like the graphic.

-birthday party. I've had pretty low key birthdays for the past couple of years and for once, I'd like to celebrate. I just gotta figure out what I wanna do. Mark your calendars, bitches.

That's it as far as my list of shit goes, but I'm certain those things will be more than enough to keep me going. I know it's a pretty vague list, but it's no fun if I show all my cards right away.

Song Challenge #3

Song Challenge #3: A Song That Makes You Happy

If Summer were to take on corporeal form and start a band, it would sound like Washed Out. Listening to Washed Out makes me want to start a giant list of shit I wanna do during the summer so I can have as much fun as the people in the video are having.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Song Challenge #2

Third entry in the third consecutive day? With the frequency of these updates, it's like I never left Blogger to begin with.

I'm officially sick. Despite never having coughed or sneezed in my presence or ever having exchanged bodily fluids with her, I'm certain my boss got me sick. It can't be coincidence that she tells me she's sick on Tuesday, then I wake up on Wednesday sick. Hey, no problem. It just means next time I get sick, I get to pay back the favor by sneezing into her food when she's not looking. Or maybe even when she is.

Song Challenge #2: Your Favorite Cover

Not my all time favorite, but it's definitely up there. I'm not even that big of an Antony fan, but he does a great job here.

Antony Hegarty - If It Be Your Will from Logic Will Break Your Heart on Vimeo.

The 30 Day Blogger Song Challenge

This is supposed to be for Facebook, but fuck Facebook*. It's been going around Facebook and I haven't shoved my taste in music down people's throats in a while, so why not.

Song Challenge #1: Your favorite song

What the fuck, it's the first one and it's already bullshit. I don't have one. There's too many to choose from. I'll post one of my favorite songs, though.

What, was that too obvious?

*yes, fuck Facebook, despite the fact that I joined back on it a week ago. No, I didn't miss it; it's the only way I can get in touch with certain people.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mystery frames

So for the last 6 weeks or so, we've had this giant Chanel poster hanging out in the front of our store. Nothing special. It's not the first giant Chanel poster we've had hanging there and it sure as hell won't be the last. And as far as posters for optical collections go, it's really formulaic; it's a head shot of a pretty girl wearing frames in black and white.
And yet, for some reason, I've never seen such a high level of demand for any pair of frames in the entire time I've worked in this store. It's insane, the number of women that have walked into the store, asking "Can I see those frames that she's wearing?". I just don't get it. The frames are nice, but it's not exactly reinventing the wheel. No other pair of frames has garnered so much attention and desire from passerby. Today alone, we took down the names and phone numbers of 6 different women who demanded we call them ASAP the minute we got the frames in. Six isn't a big number, but I'm not counting all the people that asked about it without leaving a name/number.
And the kicker? We don't have the frames. We ordered them, but the distributor (who happen to be the largest corporation in the optical industry) doesn't even have the frames on hand. I've yet to figure out how they could ship us a big ass poster advertising frames that they don't even have.

So here it is. If anyone can provide some insight as to what makes these frames so amazing, let me know.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Anatomy of Melancholy

I went to see Godspeed You! Black Emperor with Owen last night. Let's just cut to the chase: they were fuckin' good. Even Seth Rogen would change his mind about them. I'll admit I was apprehensive at first; I figured I'd stand there for 3 hours and listen to a total of 4 songs while they dinked around on stage. I'm happy to report there was no dinking around and the whole thing was pretty fuckin' intense from beginning to end*. I caught myself with my mouth agape a few times. It was worth every cent of Owen's money, har har.
I'm not really sure what else to say; for the most part, I'm still kind of speechless.

Other highlights from last night:
-French Canadian dude trying to talk to us while we were waiting in line. I hate it when all people can talk about is music. Well, I hate it when all people can talk about is any one thing. He gave up on talking to us and began talking to the couple behind him, starting off his convo the exact same way he did with us. It almost sounded rehearsed.
-the people stamped my wrist with a stamp that reads "WEINER".
-"$20 for a poster?!?! ...okay, I'll take one"
-the Sadies were surprisingly good, even though I'm usually very dismissive of opening bands and I really don't like country-rock bands. They also did this sort of *ahem* guitar reach-around thing that's a lot more awesome than it sounds.

-despite having been at Lee's Palace numerous times before, I told Owen "Lee's Palace looks a lot bigger in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World".
-instead of standing throughout the whole show, which I dreaded, we managed to snag seats on the wooden benches. Have you ever sat on those things for more than 15 minutes? It fucking hurts your legs. After 15 minutes, you get pins and needles. I know I'm not the only one that was in pain, because I saw both Owen and the girl next to him frequently bring their legs up and hug their knees against them. So sit or stand, you lose either way.
-asking the cab driver if he could get me home on a flat rate of $22 (it's all the cash I had on me). He grudgingly agreed, only for me to realize you could pay by debit, which I didn't bother telling him until we got to my destination. Then he grumbled about having to start up the debit machine, which takes 2 minutes. Yeah, I'm a dick.

*by end, I mean the time I left. I'll admit I didn't stay for the whole set because it was already late and I had to get home.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm back, y'all, and I'm back, y'all and I'm backity back...

The last real post I made was on May 6, 2010. I think I'm finally ready to come back. Because there was so much demand.