Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The small things

The little things I find enjoyment in:
-a Coke with my meals, which I don't drink until the end
-when my photos turn out
-when I intentionally make a joke and people actually laugh. Hard.
-when I spend a whole day cleaning my room and it actually shows
-when they play a song on the radio or in a store that I really like, even if it's a song I've heard a million times before
-not having to set my alarm clock because I don't have to wake up early the next day
-coffee and shooting the shit with friends
-finding money in a pair of pants that I forgot about (it happens pretty often)
-coming across a song I really liked but completely forgot about
-when I'm the only one up in the mornings and I can enjoy my coffee quietly
-having one of those trips home where I catch the subway and the bus right as they arrive
-"Wow, I have more money in the bank than I remembered" (rarely happens)

That's all I can think of at this hour.

1 comment:

michelle said...

it's a good list

hurrah to catching the subway and buses. i really like that too!