Monday, January 11, 2010


Sergio and I saw Mark Taylor at Walmart last night. You might not know who Mark Taylor is, but I assure you, you know who he is. He's better known as "That guy. You know, on that one show. He also plays some other dude in some other show". He's also known as Romeo in Student Bodies. What astounds me is that I can never remember if I locked the door to the house when I go out, but I can somehow remember a character's name in a Canadian pre-teen sitcom that I never even watched.

He bought toilet paper.


Owen said...

I also remember this Romeo from that show I never really watched!

michelle said...

I watched it :$ Student Baawwdies


audreyssyp said...

He lives on my street, yo (in Scarborough)
Or his parents do, and he's around. Once I was really bundled up and I missed my bus and yelled "ARGH!" and he gave me a weird look. Yeah.