Friday, January 22, 2010


I'm taking a communications course. It's a mandatory course; can't graduate without it. The first class last week was sort of a standard class. Icebreaker activities and what not, so I couldn't really gauge what the course was going to be like yet.
And now that I've had my second class, I think I can say it's the corniest class I've ever been in. At one point, Ani leaned over and whispered "I feel like we're in an anger management class". And she's right. The lectures are about how we communicate and how we can be better at communicating with one another. We had to fill in these sheets that forced us to try and look deep into ourselves, because you can't communicate if you don't know yourself. One girl told the class that she was trying to be a human being. WTF.

So yeah, it looks like I'll be skipping this class often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you nurtured your inner child lately?