Sunday, June 5, 2011

IOU a punch in the face

Last night, Owen and I went to see X-Men: First Class. As we were walking up to the theater, I told Owen that he would probably enjoy the opening sequence, because it used the theme song from the 90's cartoon (which if you don't think is epic, means you're dead on the inside), based on what I thought was a leaked clip that I had seen. I told him I couldn't remember if it was a legit one or if it was a fan-made one, but he was pumped nonetheless.
Right before the movie began, Owen leaned over and whispered "If they don't play the theme song, I'm gonna punch you in the face".

They did not play the opening sequence I had seen.

I went home and found the clip again and realized it is a fan-made intro. You know, because it clearly states so at the end, which I somehow conveniently forgot about.

So yeah, Owen owes me a face punch. Looks like my two years of wearing braces are about to go to waste.

Also, Kevin Bacon speaking German cracked me up.


audreyssyp said...

1) I saw this too.
2) You're a loser.

Owen said...

THIS IS AWESOME. I'm not going to punch you because it's so rad.