Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

My mother handed me a Father's Day card for me to sign. My brother had already signed it. I wrote a little message next to his and signed it:

Darren, the better looking son

Other possibilities:
-the son who can't grow facial hair
-the son who disappoints you more
-the son who can do ten chin-ups (I swear)
-the son who might have more disabilities than his sibling
-the son more likely to inherit your receding hairline
-the son who lost an arm wrestling match to a girl smaller than him
-the son, who after a quarter century, still has his V-card
-the son with more issues than National Geographic


Anonymous said...

... the son who has momentarily metamorphosed into a song by the smiths?

(i kid, obviously. i am one to talk, clearly. i'm no rhythm and all blues.)

also: "v card." who came up with this expression? i didn't hear it until my first year at uni, and then it's all i ever heard. quite frankly i was disappointed to discover it was just some virginity metaphor and not an actual card that could get you into wicked places like costco.

michelle said...

yer numba one sonnnn