Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No ideas

When I quit my job, my first thought was "Great, now I'll have all the time in the world to do the stuff I really wanted to. I can start taking pictures again and make stuff". Since then, I've pissed away all my time and money and as my choice of the verb "pissed" implies, I have nothing to show for it. I've been struggling to come up with ideas for photo projects, but I've come up with nothing.
As the end of summer (and the beginning of school) nears, I feel a lot of pressure to do something with my time. I've got a few ideas for photos, but they're nothing I'm really all that excited and they all involve the participation of friends. So if you're interested, let me know. Leave me a comment or something. You'll probably be underwhelmed at the idea, but indulge me, okay?

Forget it.