Monday, September 7, 2009

The Wrong Wong

So I just realized why Gene never added me on Facebook. It's because he added the wrong Darren Wong. It was funny and slightly insulting at the same time, because if you look at the other Darren's profile pic and stand far back enough, it does kind of resemble me. And in my profile pic, I'm wearing a giraffe mask...but c'mon, he's known me his whole life. He should be able to distinguish who is and isn't me.
I had to use Gene's Facebook and confirm my own friend request when he was out. This whole situation is sad.

That's the other Darren.


michelle said...

bhahaha! what a good story

J said...

hahaha burn

Anonymous said...


Owen said...

Probably one of my top ten by-myself-lols of all time.

animast11 said...

You're not even going to believe this but I will explain it to you.

I know the other Darren Wong.