Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My vacation away from worky

My program requires me to work 20 hours in the Seneca Vision Center with a partner. I've done 10 so far and was supposed to do the remaining 10 today and tomorrow. I booked it a month in advance and took time off work just to do it. I showed up this morning with my partner to find out that the place was closed and has been for a week. It won't be open until next week. I was pissed that no one bothered to notify us in advance. My partner was even more pissed, seeing as how she had to drive down from Belleville just to make it and booked a hotel room to stay overnight in Toronto.
On the bright side, it means I get two days off from work, now that I don't have to be at school. I'm hoping it will de-stress me; the dominant theory as to why I'm losing weight is because I'm stressed from work. I'm down to 111 lbs. I'm hoping the test results will get back in time before I wither away.

In other news, John from Labspace Studios personally sent me a message to encourage me to submit to their next show, Monosaic. In turn, I encourage you all to submit. It's a pretty creative idea and I think it'd be awesome to see what the final product will look like.

I watched a documentary on Klaus Nomi last night. This has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that it was a good documentary and they couldn't have picked a more fascinating person to do a documentary on. And yes, he really can sing that high. Do you Nomi?


michelle said...

I'm looking forward to see what it'd look like when all the artwork pieces are put together


J said...

i don't nomi