A while ago, Lenny, Matt, JP and I decided to form a punk band. Much like with the grindcore band idea, we decided that the first order of business is the band name, because everything else will fall into the place. How hard can it be to write punk music?
So to kick start it, here is my list of band names for submission, guys:
-Dr. Badvibes
-Too Punk To Fuck
-That's What She Said
-The Douchebags
-Douchey McDoucherson and the Douchebags
-Lenny Chan, Matthew Pyke, Jean Paul Geofroy and Darren Wong
-Check Out My Blog
-No One Cares About Your Blog
-Pitchfork Loves Us
-Hipster Scum
-Vice Loves Us
-The Sex Pistols
-3 Bethune Graduates and That Other Guy
-Matthew Pyke and Those Three Other Guys
-2 Asians and 2 Caucasians
-Asian Avenue For Life
-Facebook Is Better Than Myspace
Yeah, I'm not serious about any of these. Except Dr. Badvibes*.
*I always thought Dr. Badvibes from COPS (remember COPS?) was a chick. Look at him/her. How the hell is that supposed to be a guy?
The Sex Pistols one is pretty original and punk rock I think. Yeah I like that one.
Dr. Badvibes sounds like a gino electronica dj. DO NOT WANT.
TWSS will appeal to the jocks which I don't think you want.
I like Too Punk to Fuck, HERRO PREASE and 2 Asians and 2 Caucasians.
I am clearly putting too much thought into this.
if 'Too Punk to Fuck' is for real then I guess i'm just not punk! LOL!!1!
I think it should be Titfuck Me, Mohamed.
Or um Bitchpussy Dickshow. Yup.
i like the 2 asians and 2 caucasians...it even rhymes!
it's a winner.
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